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The Little Interview with Clare Helen Welsh - Moon Bear

The Little Bookshop
Banner Moon Bear



Ettie is afraid of the dark. Until one night a magical beam of moonlight shimmers through her window and, with a flash of light, a glittering moon-bear appears in her bedroom. Follow the story of Ettie and the bear as they help each other face their fears.


Clare used to be a teacher (primary school), now she’s dedicating her time to tutor writers and to write children’s books. Clare is the founder of an amazing website called Books That Help, this website helps parents to find the right book (with difficult subjects) for their children. Clare has already written quite a few books, such as 'I Love You More' (2024), 'Everything Changes' (2022), 'The Tide' (2019), and 'Sunny Side Up' (2023).


1. 'Moon Bear' is such a powerful picture book without a lot of words, how did you write this story without narrative?

I strongly believe in the power of wordless picture books and had wanted to attempt writing one for some time. Moon Bear came to me very quickly in visual form, a bit like scenes from a film rather than in words. This is how I start most picture books, but when it came to putting it down on paper, I wrote notes about what the illustrations would show, a bit like in a playscript, rather than in a character, narrator or author voice.

2. For this picture book, Carolina T. Godina did the illustrations, how did you work together on this book?

It takes many talented and dedicated people to make a picture book, not least in this case where Carolina’s artwork is doing pretty much all the storytelling. However, people are often surprised to hear that authors and illustrators don’t work together directly. Editor, Claire Grace and designer, Karissa Santos, kept me in the loop. They sent layouts, thumbnails and communicated any changes that needed to happen. Once a book is acquired by a publisher, it can evolve and grow but I embrace that – many heads are better than one and it’s exciting to see an idea blossom!

In my initial notes, Ettie picked up a moonlight crayon that shone from a shard of moonlight through the window, but this concept was hard to convey without words. Carolina and the team came up with the idea that the moonlight could be like a paint that transfers onto Ettie’s hands. It really works! Carolina added other things too, like Ettie’s cat. Working on picture books is cooperative. Flexibility and openness is key.

3. This story is about (being afraid of) the dark. Like quite some of your stories, you choose subjects that have a deeper meaning and can help children to understand life. How did you come up with this subject (dark) and how do you decide your next subject of a book? 

Great questions! Yes, I have a strong drive to write stories with messages that help little readers (and big readers!) navigate the world. Sometimes, a book begins with me having a clear idea of something to convey – for example, acceptance of illness, helping families through divorce or living with cancer. Other times, the story comes first and then I think about an emotional backdrop to suit the plot. Moon Bear, began as a title initially and then the Moon Bear character appeared. I knew I hadn’t written about a fear of the dark before. It felt like a natural fit for this idea and from there everything fell into place quite quickly and naturally. (That’s not always the case!)

4. We always ask one question that’s a bit different and not about the book. You specialise in picture books (3-7years) but one day you have to publish a chapter book/novel for older children, what kind of subject would you choose?

Oooh! Another lovely question. I am actively trying to write for older children. Like in my picture books, I’m not pinning myself down to one particular genre or subject. I’m trying funny things, more lyrical things... I can’t say too much, but the natural world/animals and word play are strong drivers that will aways feature in my work. I promise to update you as soon as I’m allowed!

5. Do you already have an idea for your next picture book?

I always have several picture books on the go, in various stages of development. And when I say several, I mean over ten! I have so many ideas (not all of them good) that time is my biggest adversary. I could do with a writing double!

My next picture book is with Andersen Press and Fiona Lumbers, called The Space Between. It’s about learning to be comfortable with uncomfortable feelings, and a granddaughter who is missing her old home. Granny teaches her a secret: she’s in the space between. It publishes in February 2025 in time for Children’s Mental Health week in the UK and we’re so, so excited to share it!

Bonus question: what are you reading at the moment?

At the moment I am listening to 'Greenwild' by Pari Thompson on audio book. It’s a fantastical adventure filled with engaging characters, gorgeous language and a clear love of nature. And I’ve just read 'Gina Kaminski Rescues A Giant' by Craig Barr-Green and Francis Martin. It’s the sequel to 'Gina Kaminski Saves the Wolf' and combines re-imagined fairy tales and an empowering autistic hero

who I LOVE!

Bonus question 2: can you tell us a bit more about your website Books That Help?

(soon we'll publish a blog post about the website)

Absolutely! BOOKS THAT HELP began life as a review site – a place to champion outstanding picture books that can help when the words are hard to find. Reviews are arranged by category. You’ll find stellar texts on subjects such as divorce, moving house, illness, neurodiversity, emotions and so many more. I’ve also started a mentorship for writers wanting to write Books That Help with publisher, Little Tiger, and I’m currently involved in a Books That Help case study, supporting schools to create well-being libraries in their settings. More on that soon, I hope!


I think I can already say that 'Moon Bear' is one of my favorite picture books of 2024! It is such a beautiful, imaginative, and poetic story. This is a picture book that not only works well for children, I think many adults will appreciate the story we can imagine and the beautiful drawings by Carolina T. Godina. Are you looking for a wonderful book for your child who is afraid of the dark? Then look no further, this is the perfect book! And, of course, the book is available in our shop.

Thank you so much, Clare, for this wonderful picture book, the beautiful themes in all your picture books, and the help you provide with your website Books That Help! (and yes, please keep us updated about your next books!)

Photo Clare
Cover Moon Bear

Author: Clare Helen Welsh 

Book: Moon Bear

Publishing date: 20.06.2024

Instagram: Clare Helen Welsh 

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